By Chere Estrin What does it take to become a successful lawyer in your particular niche or practice area? In a series of in-depth interviews for the Estrin Report, Chere Estrin profiles…
HR Manager, attorney, paralegal, marketing manager, may describe your role but it sure ain’t fun. By Chere B. Estrin COVID-19 has led a lot of people to search for a…
Oh, for heaven's sake! First we read for years how the major firms are going to go under, disband or simply disappear and now we're reading out go the midsize…
Bad, Bad News for Paralegals Paralegal jobs are vanishing according to a recent analysis. In fact, out of the top disappearing jobs, paralegal is in the top 7 positions. …
The Organization of Legal Professionals (OLP) has been surveying Litigation Support Professionals to uncover interesting insights and valuable facts to help LSPs make the most of their careers. The survey,…
Tough week? Take a few moments to enjoy our guest blogger, Celia Elwell, RP and senior paralegal, who sends us interesting links and articles. Enjoy! Judge Throws Out RICO Claims…
The eDiscovery Paralegal: Salaries are excellent: $60 - over 100K plus overtime. You are not locked in as a pralegal with only a junior or senior level designation for the…
Goodness, gracious, this is a remarkable discussion about the future of big law firms! Thanks to lawyer, author, & blogger Robert J. Ambrogi for highlighting it in Legal Blog Watch:"When…
So, would you want to work in Wheeling, West Virginia? Read all about the separation of staff from lawyers in this article from The Recorder:"When Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe announced…
Calling all workaholics! Be smart & take some time off for a rejuvenating work! "The Power Room at one Raleigh law office isn't a place where high-profile deals get…