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Paralegal enters 150-mile race through Egypt’s desert

This article’s title — "You have to live on the edge" — is perfect:

"Jacqueline Eastridge admits that, yes, she is a little crazy.

"Starting on Sunday, the 46-year-old senior paralegal for a Center City law firm will join 59 other runners in a week-long, 150-mile trek through the sands and dunes and the dry, relentless heat of Egypt’s Sahara desert. The event was organized by the sports-adventure company RacingThePlanet.

"Eastridge will do it carrying only one change of clothing and all the food she will need in a pack on her back that she hopes will weigh no more than 15 pounds.

"’You have to live on the edge a little,’ said Eastridge, of Wynnewood, who is making the trip alone at a personal cost of over $2,000 (her employer paid the entrance fee).

"From the sound of it, the 5-foot-6, 125-pound Eastridge is up to the challenge while at the same time elevating fund-raising for a cause – in this case Children’s Hospital – to new extremes compared to the walks, runs and bike tours so common around the region.

"’It’s fully in keeping with who she is,’ said her boss, Michael Friedman, chair of the corporate and securities group at Pepper Hamilton L.L.P. ‘She is energetic, she is enthusiastic, she is committed to quality, and she is committed to helping people.’"

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