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Tip of that hat to LawCrossing for pointing to this info:

"While reviewing news releases and other noteworthy items pertaining to the paralegal world this week, I came across a notice about an upcoming Pro Bono Conference sponsored by the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA). The conference, which will be held in Denver at Holland & Hart on March 24 and 25, 2007, will teach legal assistants and paralegals how to find local and national pro bono opportunities.

"Specifically, the conference will guide paralegals through the process of building and expanding pro bono programs, specifically focusing on recruiting volunteers, keeping them interested and active, documenting volunteer projects, and recognizing volunteers through a reward system.


"Sponsored by the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA), the conference will be held in Denver at Holland & Hart on March 24- 25, 2007. Legal assistants & paralegals can learn how to find both local & national pro bono opportunities.

"It’s not too late to sign up! Visit the National Federation of Paralegal Associations’ website for more information."

NOTE: Registration is required, but there is no cost for the conference; attendees are responsible only for travel & hotel expenses. The conference is open to NFPA Members ONLY.

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