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“Kennedy Covington Paralegal Wins National Rookie of the Year Award”

Well, isn’t this great news?

"Kennedy Covington paralegal Julianne Fink, NCCP, has been awarded the Rookie of the Year by Legal Assistant Today magazine. 

"Fink was selected by the magazine’s editorial advisory board for her leadership and dedication to the legal assistant profession, to her local association, to her employer and to her community, in just two years of performing paralegal duties.

“’Julianne is an amazing asset to our team and she has certainly worked hard to earn this recognition within our firm and with the paralegal community at large,’ said Kent Christison, partner-in-charge of the Raleigh and RTP [Research Triangle Park] offices of Kennedy Covington.  ‘Paralegals are essential to the success of a firm, assisting to meet clients’ needs on a daily basis.  A strong team is composed of a strong support staff and ours is literally award-winning.’"

Too bad the firm doesn’t include profiles or bios of its paralegals….

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