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“How to Command Respect through Body Language”

Really long list — 101 bullets! — of sometimes obvious, but mostly helpful, tips for improving how people respond to you:

"Some people are the center of attention wherever they go. They’re not glamorous movie stars, just ordinary people with excellent command over their body language. Here are some pointers to help you emulate these confident people and command respect from those around you.


"1. Stand tall, even if you’re the shortest person in the room. Keeping your shoulders pushed back will lend you an air of confidence.


"14. If you wear glasses, don’t look over the rim. It makes you look condescending.


"32. Be sure to nod your head so the person you’re speaking with knows you’re listening and interested.


"58. Don’t tap your fingers on a table or arms of a chair; you’ll seem anxious.


"79. Don’t huddle into a corner with your mobile phone while in a crowd of people. Get out and mingle instead. Keep your private conversations for a time when you’re alone."

Some readers who commented on this article thought it was helpful; others not so much. Perhaps half of the points struck me as worthwhile!

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