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“Former paralegal finds fulfillment working with ‘tweens at library”

Charming story about the joys of being retired (not anytime soon for me)!

"When Jayne Morrison goes to work, she couldn’t be happier.

"She loves every moment she spends in the children’s department of the Boca Raton Public Library.

"’Being here is like being in a terrific garden,’ she said. ‘There’s everything here.’

"Morrison talks about her job as if she’s worked there for years. But she joined the library staff just four years ago, after leaving a long career as a paralegal two years earlier.

"’I was a paralegal for 25 years,’ said Morrison, who lives in Boca Raton with her husband, Burt. ‘I became a grandma, and my perspective of life changed.’

"This fall, Morrison started leading a monthly book discussion for ‘tweens, youngsters ages 9 to 12 who are between childhood and adolescence."

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