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Inspired by this post to Legal Blog Watch by Robert J. Ambrogi [links below in original post]:

"If you know you want to work part time as a lawyer, which fields of law or types of jobs are best for you? At the blog Concurring Opinions, William & Mary law professor Nate Oman recounts that a student recently came to him with this question and, ‘I am embarrassed to say I don’t know the answer.’ The student explained that she would like to work full time for a few years after law school, then pull back to fewer hours.

"Not knowing the answer, Oman turned to his blog and asked his readers for their suggestions. Among the responses so far, comments suggest licensing, trademarks, trusts and estates, tax and employee benefits as fields of law amenable to part-time work. As for jobs, in-house counsel jobs are sometimes part time, and government offices sometimes allow flexible schedules and job sharing."

So, what practice areas do you think might be good for part-time paralegals? Surely not litigation, right? Would the areas listed above also fit paralegals?

BTW, are you a part-time paralegal now? Are there any drawbacks?

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